Meet Dr. Fatema Uddin

Hello, my name is Dr. Fatema Uddin. Learn more about my education, credentials, interests, and perspectives on medicine below.

In 2006, I received a Doctorate in Medicine (M.D.) degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. By 2009, I had completed a three-year residency and was board-certified in Internal Medicine.

After completing a three-year fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, I became a board-certified gastroenterologist. But it wasn’t enough. I quickly applied and was accepted for an advanced endoscopy fellowship.

Now, three thousand endoscopic procedures and ten years later, I am proud to be considered a skilled and experienced advanced endoscopist.

Why I Practice Medicine

There is a deep complexity and genius to the human digestive tract. It will always be the object of my fascination. And yes, it’s my favorite thing to talk about, which explains why I’m rarely invited back to dinner parties.

Maybe gastroenterology and endoscopy make for poor table conversation, but what else is there? People talk about things that make them happy.

What makes me happy is healing people and practicing medicine in a deeply personal and highly technical way. Take the endoscope, a miraculous instrument. With it, I can reach into people and see the source of discomfort. That’s the wonder and power of medicine, and it’s why I chose to devote my life to healing.

In my personal life, you’ll find me outdoors working on DIY projects or reading on the porch about art or wildlife. I enjoy spending time with my cats, and my cats tolerate me.

But enough about me. I want to hear from you—the good and the bad and how I can help. So, if you have learned enough about me to feel comfortable visiting my practice, reach out and tell me your story.


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